cover of Quench - The Beautiful South

Quench – The Beautiful South

1998, United Kingdom
00:52:01; 48M; 128JS; 31;
  1. How Long's A Tear Take To Dry- - 4:35
  2. The Lure Of The Sea - 3:56
  3. Big Coin - 4:10
  4. Dumb - 3:42
  5. Perfect 10 - 3:37
  6. The Slide - 5:02
  7. Look What l Found In My Beer - 3:33
  8. The Table - 3:07
  9. Window Shopping For Blinds - 4:06
  10. Pockets - 4:07
  11. l May Be Ugly - 3:39
  12. Losing Things - 3:25
  13. Your Father And l - 5:02
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