cover of Ozric Tentacles - Become The Other

Ozric Tentacles – Become The Other

1995, United Kingdom
00:54:45; 100M; 256S; 394;
  1. Cat DNA - 6:30
  2. Ahu Belahu - 2:52
  3. Ghedengi - 5:41
  4. Wob Glass - 7:52
  5. Neurochasm - 6:47
  6. Become The Other - 6:25
  7. Vibuthi - 10:50
  8. Plurnstyle - 7:48

Blim - artwork by [art]
Brian Burrows - design [sleeve remix]
Ed - artwork by [erpmen]
John Egan - flute [various]
Andy Garibaldi - liner notes
Zia Geelani - bass, castanets, mixed by, producer, written-by [uncredited] [4]
Joie Hinton - written-by [uncredited] [8]
Jim O'Roon - percussion [5]
Rad - drums, other [such]
Seaweed - mixed by, producer, synthesizer [synths], effects [textures], written-by [uncredited] [4]
Ozric Tentacles - written-by [uncredited] [1, 5, 6, 7]
Ed Wynne - guitar, synthesizer [synths], sampler [samples], effects [scapes], mixed by, producer, written-by [uncredited] [2, 3, 4, 8]

- Recorded through thick and thin 1994/5 at The Mill, Somerset.
- •See You Out There•
- This release ℗ © 1999 Snapper Music Inc. Made In England.

Snapper Music, SMM CD 593
Original Masters, SMM CD 593
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