cover of Akinetón Retard - Akranania

Akinetón Retard – Akranania

2001, Chile
00:47:23; 65M; 192JS; 995;
  1. Morricoleman - 3:27
  2. Recurrencias - 8:36
  3. Fana papal y el Monsenor Smegm - 0:41
  4. Survector - 9:05
  5. Nimboestrato - 3:13
  6. Soula - 10:15
  7. Dementia Absorbant - 12:06

- Tanderal Anfurness / guitar
- Bolshek Tradib / drums
- Estratos Akrias / clarón, High & Soprano saxophone
- Petras Das Petren / Tenor saxophone
- Lecta Celdrej / electric bass and double bass

CD Mylodon/Rock Symphony (2002)
Hosted by uCoz