cover of You Slut! - Critical Meat

You Slut! – Critical Meat

2008, United Kingdom
00:24:08; 41M; 240JS-VBR; 1066;
  1. Cut & Shut By You Slut! - 3:36
  2. On The Count Of 13 - 2:19
  3. Roofio Shoots, Roofio Scores - 2:17
  4. On-The-Spot Tina Turner Fine - 2:59
  5. Pie To The Death-Faced Indie Kid - 3:27
  6. 1s, 2ns (The Original Door) - 2:23
  7. Jarabew - 2:57
  8. Mybloodyjesusexploreronfire - 4:10

Rhyll Styzer [Axe 1]
Vanilla Christ [Axe 2]
Sato D’Angelo [Head Rim-Smith]
Marc Zwei [Axe sans treble]
Hosted by uCoz