cover of Spacious Mind, The - Organic Mind Solution

The Spacious Mind – Organic Mind Solution

1994, Sweden
01:13:54; 169M; 320S; 1094;
  1. Introduction / River Of Two Returns - 3:47
  2. Interplanetarian Lovemachine Pt. II - 25:38
  3. Time Re-Circle - 6:23
  4. The Caresong - Adanech - 6:53
  5. Victorian Gardens - 2:14
  6. The One That Really Won The War - 14:10
  7. Leaving For Kacrakash / In Places Like These - 14:49

- Jens Unosson / synthesizers, electronics, atmospheres
- Henrik Oja / guitars, vocals
- Thomas Brännström / guitar, vocals, whistles, glockenspiel
- David Johansson /percussion

CD Garageland 011
Hosted by uCoz