United States
Forward March
- 2:49
Yolanda, You Learn
- 4:49
The First Circle
- 9:15
If I Could
- 7:01
Tell It All
- 7:59
End Of The Game
- 8:02
Mas Alla (Beyond)
- 5:40
- 4:17
Vance Anderson - producer [assistant]
Pedro Aznar - performer, glockenspiel [1], voice, bells [2], acoustic guitar [nylon string], voice, bells, percussion [3], voice, percussion [5], bells, whistle, percussion, voice [6], voice, percussion, lyrics by, guitar [7], acoustic guitar [12-string], voice [8]
Juan Castagnola - photography
Rob Eaton - engineer [assistant]
Niki Gatos - producer [assistant]
Jan Erik Kongshaug - engineer
Lyle Mays - arranged by, performer, written-by [2 to 8], trumpet [1], piano, synthesizer [2, 3, 6, 7], synthesizer [oberheim] [4], piano, agogô [5], piano, organ, synthesizer [8]
Pat Metheny - arranged by, performer, producer, written-by, guitar, synthesizer [synclavier guitar] [1], sitar, guitar [slide, synclavier guitar] [2], acoustic guitar [steel-string] [3], acoustic guitar [4], guitar, written-by [5], guitar, synthesizer [guitar synthesizer] [6], guitar [7], acoustic guitar [12-string], guitar, synthesizer [synclavier guitar] [8]
Paul Natkin - photography
David Oakes - producer [assistant]
Jerry Radas - engineer [assistant]
Steve Rodby - performer, bass drum [1], bass guitar [2, 8], bass [acoustic] [3], acoustic bass [4, 5, 7], acoustic bass, bass guitar [6]
Tom Sheehan - producer [assistant]
Paul Wertico - performer, drums [field drum], cymbal [1], drums [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
Recorded February 15-19, 1984 at Power Station, New York
cat# on spine and booklet "25008-2"
cat# on disc "9 25 008-2" and "(823 342-2)"
ECM Records, 25 008-2
ECM Records, 9 25 008-2
ECM Records, (823 342-2)