United States
- 1:43
Dog Breath Variations
- 2:06
Uncle Meat
- 3:24
Outrage at Valdez
- 3:27
Times Beach II
- 7:30
III Revised
- 1:44
The Girl in the Magnesium Dres
- 4:33
Be-Bop Tango
- 3:43
Ruth Is Sleeping
- 6:06
None of the Above
- 2:06
Pentagon Afternoon
- 2:27
Questi Cazzi Di Piccione
- 3:02
Times Beach III
- 4:25
Food Gathering in Post-Industr
- 2:48
Welcome to the United States
- 6:41
Pound for a Brown
- 2:12
Exercise #4
- 1:37
Get Whitey
- 7:00
G-Spot Tornado
- 5:17
Harry Andronis - engineer
Ali N. Askin - arranged by [2, 3, 7 to 9, 19]
Spencer Chrislu - engineer
Dave Dondorf - engineer
Hermann Kretzschmar - vocals [15]
Ensemble Modern - orchestra
Peter Rundel - leader
Hilary Sturt - vocals [14]
Todd Yvega - computer
Frank Zappa - producer
Zappa Records, CD ZAP 57
Intercord Record Service, IRS 970.757