United States
- 3:54
- 4:19
Anytime You Need A Friend
- 4:26
Music Box
- 4:57
Now That I Know
- 4:19
Never Forget You
- 3:46
Without You
- 3:36
Just To Hold You Once Again
- 3:58
I've Been Thinking About You
- 4:48
All I've Ever Wanted
- 3:52
Everything Fades Away
- 5:28
Walter Afanasieff - music by [2 to 4, 8, 10], producer, arranged by [1 to 4, 7, 8, 10, 11], keyboards [additional], synthesizer, programmed by [rhythm programming], organ [hammond b-3] [1], keyboards, synthesizer, synthesizer [synth. bass], programmed by [rhythm programming], synthesizer [synclavier acoustic guitar] [2, 7, 10], keyboards, synthesizer, synthesizer [synth. bass], programmed by [rhythm programming], organ [hammond b-3], synthesizer [synclavier acoustic guitar] [3], keyboards, synthesizer, synthesizer [synth. bass], programmed by [rhythm programming] [4, 8]
James T. Alfano - programmed by [5, 9]
Babyface - backing vocals [6], lyrics by [6], music by [6], producer, arranged by [6], keyboards, drums [6]
Kyle Bess - engineer [2nd] [2, 3, 4, 8]
Mariah Carey - backing vocals [3 to 9], lyrics by [1 to 6, 8 to 10], music by [1 to 6, 8 to 10], producer, arranged by
Jim Caruana - engineer [2nd] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Dana Jon Chappelle - engineer [lead vocals] [1], engineer [vocals] [2, 6], engineer [3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Gary Cirimelli - computer [macinthosh], programmed by [synth.] [1], computer [macinthosh], programmed by [synclavier] [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10]
Robert Clivillés - drums, percussion [5, 9]
Clivillés & Cole - mixed by [5, 9], music by [5, 9], producer, arranged by [5, 9]
David Cole - lyrics by [9], keyboards [5, 9]
Ricky Crespo - programmed by [5, 9]
Melonie Daniels - backing vocals [3, 5, 7 to 9]
Josephine DiDonato - art direction, design
Tom Evans - music by [7]
Daniela Federici - photography
Frank Filipetti - engineer [5, 9]
David Gleeson - engineer [2]
Mick Guzauski - mixed by [1 to 4, 6 to 8, 10]
Dave "Jam" Hall - music by [1], producer, arranged by [1], synthesizer [synth. keyboards], programmed by [rhythm programming] [1]
Pete Ham - lyrics by [7]
Kayo - bass [6]
Acar Key - engineer [5, 9]
Ren Klyce - programmed by [akai & roland] [1], programmed by [akai & synclavier] [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10]
Mark Krieg - engineer [2nd] [9]
Manny LaCarrubba - engineer [2nd] [2], engineer [additional engineering] [4, 7]
Michael Landau - guitar [2, 3, 4, 8]
Shawn Lucas - programmed by [5, 9]
Bob Ludwig - mastered by
Kent Matcke - engineer [2nd] [7]
Cindy Mizelle - backing vocals [3]
Jen Monnar - engineer [2nd] [2, 3, 8, 10]
Kelly Price - backing vocals [3, 5, 7 to 9]
Shanrae Price - backing vocals [3, 5, 7 to 9]
Mark C. Rooney - backing vocals [3, 4]
Bob Rosa - engineer [mix] [5, 9]
Bob Ross - engineer [1]
Daryl Simmons - producer, arranged by [6]
Kirk Yano - engineer [additional tracking] [1]
Jim 'Z' Zumpano - engineer [6]
(C)&(P) 1993 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Distribution Sony Music
Mastered at Gateway Mastering Studios, Portland, Maine
1, 4, 6, 7: Mixed at Sony Studios, NY
1, 6: Recorded at Right Track Studios, NY
2: Recorded at The Plant Studios, Sausalito, CA and The Record Plant, LA
2: Vocals Recorded and Mixed at Right Track Studios, NY
3: Recorded and Mixed at Right Track Studios, NY, Guitars Recorded at The Record Plant, LA
4: Recorded at Right Track Studios, NY, Additional Recording at The Plant Studios, Sausalito, CA and The Record Plant, LA,
5: Recorded at Axis Studios, Right Track Studios, Electric Lady Studios and House of Sound Studios, NY, Mixed at Electric Lady Studios, NY
7: Recorded at Right Track Studios, NY, Additional Recording at The Plant Studios, Sausalito, CA
8: Recorded and Mixed at Right Track Studios, NY, Guitars Recorded at The Record Plant, LA
9: Recorded at Axis Studios, Right Track Studios, House of Sound Studios, NY and Criteria Recording Studios, Miami, FL, Mixed at Electric Lady Studios, NY
10: Recorded and Mixed at Right Track Studios, NY
Track 11 is a Bonustrack for the European edition.
Columbia, 474270 2