01 a) Prologue
- 3:46
02 b) Comme Un Fou
- 7:51
03 c) Chanson Noire
- 1:11
04 d) Le Premier Ciel
- 8:09
05 e) L'exil
- 11:21
06 f) Le Corridor
- 12:56
07 g) Lumieres De Vie
- 8:13
08 h) Sommeil Sans Reves
- 14:12
09 i) Comme Un Sage
- 14:04
10 j) Epilogue
- 1:44
Danielle Arsenault - photography [denis farmer photo]
Jeanne Baxtresser - flute [flûte]
Pierre Bertrand - backing vocals [choeur] (A2, A4.b, B1.b, D1.b), backing vocals [choeur (finale)] (A4.b, B1.b)
Peter Bowman - oboe [hautbois]
Jack Cantor - cello [1er violoncelle]
Louis Charbonneau - percussion [percussions]
Anthony Chotem - guitar [guitare classique] (C2.a to C2.d)
Neil Chotem - arranged by [arrangements musicaux], celesta [célesta] (A2, B2, C2.a to C2.d), conductor, electric piano [piano fender rhodes] (B2, C1.a, D1.b), orchestrated by [arrangements orchestraux], piano, synthesizer [synthétiseur] (C2.a to C2.d), music by [musique] (A1, A3, B1.a, B1.c, C1.b, C2.b, D1.a, D2)
Paul Dupont-Hébert - management [direction artstique et gérance]
Denis Farmer - drums [batterie] (A2, A4.a, A4.b, B1.b, B2, C1.a, C2.a to C2.d, D1.b), percussion [percussions] (A2, A4.b, B1.b, D1.b), congas (A4.a), percussion [châines] (B1.b)
Monique Fauteux - backing vocals [choeur] (A2, A4.b, B1.b, D1.b), backing vocals [choeur (finale)] (A4.b, B1.b), vocals [voix] (C1.a)
Serge Fiori - acoustic guitar [guitare acoustique 6 cordes] (A4.a, C2.a to C2.d), backing vocals [choeur] (A2, A4.b, B1.b, D1.b), directed by [direction musicale], electric guitar [guitare électrique 6 cordes (solo)] (B1.b, C2.a to C2.d), twelve-string guitar [guitare acoustique 12 cordes] (A2, A4.b, B1.b, B2, C1.a, C2.a to C2.d, D1.b), twelve-string guitar [guitare électrique 12 cordes] (A2, A4.b, B1.b, B2), vocals [voix] (A2, A4.a, A4.b, B1.b, B2, C2.a to C2.d, D1.b), lyrics by [paroles], music by [musique] (A2, A4.a, B2, D1.b), backing vocals [choeur (finale)] (A4.b, B1.b), lyrics by [paroles] (A4.b, B1.b, C1.a, C2.a), music by [musique] (A4.b, B1.b, C1.a, C2.a, C2.d), electric guitar [guitare électrique 6 cordes] (D1.b), vocals [solo de voix] (D1.b)
Harmonium - arranged by [arrangements musicaux]
Michel Lachance - arranged by [arrangements musicaux], directed by [direction musicale], mixed by [mixage], producer, recorded by [prise de son], tambourine (B1.b)
Serge Locat - mellotron (A2, A4.a, B1.b, B2, D1.b), organ [orgue yamaha] (A2, A4.a, A4.b, B2), organ [orgue à tuyaux], piano [solo de piano] (C2.a to C2.d), piano (A2, A4.b, B1.b, C1.a, C2.a to C2.d, D1.b), synthesizer [synthétiseur] (A2, A4.a, B1.b, B2), electric piano [piano électrique] (A2, A4.a), music by [musique] (A4.b, C2.c, C2.d), mellotron [mellotron synthétisé] (C1.a)
Robert Lussier - artwork by [conception de la pochette], photography [photos]
Dorothy E. Masella - harp [harpe]
Michel Normandeau - artwork by [conception de la pochette], lyrics by [paroles], music by [musique] (A2), lyrics by [paroles] (A4.b, B1.b, C1.a, C2.a), acoustic guitar [guitare acoustique 6 cordes] (B1.b)
H. Perrot - mixed by [mixage]
Calvin Sieb - violin [1er violon]
Robert Stanley - electric guitar [guitare électrique 6 cordes (solo)] (B1.b, C2.a to C2.d), electric guitar [guitare électrique 6 cordes] (C1.a)
Estelle Ste-Croix - backing vocals [choeur] (A2, A4.b, B1.b, D1.b), vocals [solo de voix] (D1.b)
Libert Subirana - flute [flûtes en sol, flûte en do (solo)] (A4.a), alto saxophone [saxophone alto], clarinet [clarinette], bass clarinet [clarinette basse] (A4.b), flute [flûte en sol électrique] (D1.b)
Richard Séguin - backing vocals [choeur] (A2, A4.b, B1.b, D1.b)
Dave Taillon - photography [serge fiori photo]
Louis Valois - bass [basse] (A2, A4.a, A4.b, B1.b, B2, C1.a, C2.a to C2.d, D1.b), directed by [direction musicale], electric piano [piano fender rhodes] (B1.b), organ [orgue yamaha] (B2), music by [musique] (C2.d)
Nelson Vipond - recorded by [matériel additionel enregistré par]
John Williams - management [direction artstique pour cbs]
Comes with two printed inner sleeves, including credits and lyrics.
Title on back cover is written as 'L'Heptade D'Harmonium'.
Sides are written as 'Face 1', 'Face 2, 'Face 3', and 'Face 4'.
Serge Locat is credited twice for piano on Track C1.a.
℗1976 — CBS Inc. Manufactured and distributed by CBS Records.
Printed in Canada.
This record was recorded in Serge Fiori's house, in the Eastern Townships, with the collaboration of the FEDCO mobile studio, of Providence R.I., during the summer of 1976.
Other sessions took place in Montreal in September and October of 1976, at the Tempo, Son-Québec and Filtroson studios.
The orchestral recording took place at the salle Claude-Champagne at l'école Vincent d'Indy, in Montreal, the 15th, 16th, and 17th of October, under the direction of Neil Chotem, with the collaboration of the Fedco studio.
The mixing took place at the Sounds Interchange studio, in Toronto, from October 20th to 30th, 1976.
Artistic direction and management for Productions Beaubec.
Administered and published by Productions Harmonium. Published by Ls Productions Harmonium Enr.
Pierre Bertrand appears courtesy of Capitol Records.
Richard Séguin appears courtesy of CBS Records.
Estelle Ste-Croix appears courtesy of Solo Records.
Stereo. MAPL. Manufactured by CBS Records Canada Ltd.
CBS, PGF 90348