United States
Baby Night
- 16:33
Silly Sally
- 16:29
Andy Dershin - bass
Jay Dorfman - drums, percussion
Winfried Ebert - producer
Jan Fijnheer - artwork by [cover illustration]
Joachim Hassenburs - photography [linerphoto]
Marvin Kaminowitz - guitar, vocals
Klaus Löhmer - engineer
Michael Paris - vocals, percussion, saxophone [tenor], recorder [alto]
Conny Plank - engineer
Steve Rosenstein - guitar, vocals
Rosie Schmitz - producer
Sweet Smoke - percussion [all manner of percussion]
Quotes from cover:
"Peace and love to the family Kuhn and may the lord watch over Nico Scholtens forever"
"We've blazed a trail in our hearts
A place to watch our music grow
A place to rest, so walk our path
To sing a song for every soul
And with a vision of heaven in our
Hearts and the devil at our feet,
We ascend this musical staircase
Always crying, for we are the victims
Of love OM SHANTI"
Catfish, 5C 054-24311