cover of Estradasphere - Buck Fever

Estradasphere – Buck Fever

2002, United States
01:12:24; 133M; 256JS; 933;
  1. Buck Fever - 5:45
  2. The Dapper Bandits - 8:03
  3. The Silent Elk Of Yesterday - 6:17
  4. Crag Lake - 0:48
  5. Meteorite Showers - 8:13
  6. The Bounty Hunter - 6:17
  7. Super Buck Ii - 2:35
  8. Millenium Child - 8:16
  9. Trampoline Klan - 2:02
  10. Burnt Corpse - 0:14
  11. Rise N' Shine (Epic Doobie Nig - 2:27
  12. Bride Of The Buck - 1:39
  13. A Very Intense Battle - 8:40
  14. Green Hill - 1:25
  15. Feed Your Mama's Meter (Remix - 4:15
  16. What Deers May Come - 5:28

Jeff Attridge - orchestrated by, arranged by (7)
Butt Bud - artwork by [art direction]
Thom Canova - mastered by
George - backing vocals (1)
Valentine Hall - trumpet [lead] (7)
Timb Harris - mastered by, violin [solo and sections], trumpet [solo and section], mandolin, euphonium, keyboards, mixed by, vocals (1), mixed by (3, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15), mixed by, backing vocals (5, 8), electronics [nintendo player] (14)
Luke Kirley - trombone (7)
Mari Kono - artwork by [graphic artist], photography, artwork by [art direction]
Ariela Morgenstern - vocals [female] (3)
Dave Murray - drums, didgeridoo [dijiridu], percussion, djembe, shaker, tambourine, timpani, tom tom [roto toms], goblet drum [dombek], percussion [orchestral], keyboards [new age], music by, lyrics by (3, 13), orchestrated by, mixed by, voice, vocals [black metal vocals] (3), lyrics by (5), backing vocals [accomp death vocals] (10), music by (10, 16), orchestrated by (13), vocals [death vocals], vocals [chaka vocals] (13), mixed by (16)
Jay Oliver - mixed by (1, 3, 6), mixed by, vocals [chaka vocals] (13), other [chord revision], mixed by (15)
Justin Phelps - engineer [drums], recorded by [drums]
Joel Robinow - lead vocals, backing vocals (1), lead vocals [falsetto], vocals [solo] (5)
Joey Ryken - voice [native americanesque chanting] (13)
Don Salsa - music by (11)
Jason Schimmel - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, guitar [baritone], sitar, banjo, lapsteel, keyboards [organs, piano, glockenspiel, toy piano, choir, chimes, electric piano, clav], music by (1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 13), orchestrated by, vocals (1), orchestrated by (2, 3, 6, 13), backing vocals (5), orchestrated by, arranged by (7)
Adam Schulman - piano (7)
Aaron Seeman - accordion (2)
Mike Siefert - narrator (2), narrator [spiritual advisor] (12), narrator [corporate cock] (16)
Tim Smolens - recorded by, mastered by, producer, engineer [recording engineer], double bass [upright bass], bass [hollowbody], electric bass, double bass [bowed bass sections], keyboards [synth bass, handclaps, organs, timpani, gong, strings, sound fx, samples, choir, new age sounds, ect.], synthesizer [synth programming], loops [techno loops], orchestrated by, mixed by, vocals (1), orchestrated by, mixed by (2, 3), voice [subliminal suggestions] (3), music by, mixed by (4, 9), mixed by, lead vocals (5), music by, orchestrated by, lyrics by (5), mixed by (6, 11, 12, 15, 16), orchestrated by (6, 13), mixed by, backing vocals (8), music by (12, 14), mixed by, vocals [chaka vocals] (13)
Trey Spruance - engineer [drums], recorded by [drums], orchestrated by, mixed by (1), mixed by (2, 3, 13)
John Whooley - saxophone [tenor, alto, baritone and soprano], flute, vocals, overtone voice [throat singing], percusion, congas, claves, guiro, shaker, tambourine, wood block, cowbell, accordion, piano, electric piano [cp-70], electric piano, clavinet [clav], vocals (1), vocals [low death vocals] (3), backing vocals (5), orchestrated by (6), mixed by, backing vocals, lead vocals (8), music by, lyrics by (8), lead vocals [lead death vocals] (10), music by (11, 15), lead vocals [lead death vocals], overtone voice [thoat singing] (13)

Lyrics on track 1 are credited to Tim's Sweater and lyrics on track 10 are by a Non Smoker.

Drums recorded at Coast Recorders in San Francisco CA, August 4-5, 2000 using 20 microphones.
Overdubs were done in Rohyponol Studios 911 (the bedroom of Timmy Smallones).
Mastered at Found Sound, San Francisco, CA.

In Memory of Smith Dobson.

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