cover of Kayo Dot - Blue Lambency Downward

Kayo Dot – Blue Lambency Downward

2008, United States
00:43:21; 53M; 170JS-VBR; 1016;
  1. Blue Lambency Downward - 9:59
  2. Clelia Walking - 5:29
  3. Right Hand Is the One I Want - 6:53
  4. The Sow Submits - 4:02
  5. The Awkward Wind Wheel - 3:29
  6. The Useless Ladder - 2:40
  7. Symmetrical Arizona - 10:49

Toby Driver - acoustic, electric, 12-string, baritone, and bass guitars, soprano clarinet, voice, piano, organ, gamelan instruments, analog synth, laptop mellotron
Mia Matsumiya - violin, voice

with guest musicians:

Charlie Zeleny (Behold... the Arctopus) - drumset
Skerik - tenor and baritone sax, vibraphone
Hans Teuber - soprano and bass clarinets, alto sax, flute
Dave Abramson (Diminished Men) - gamelan instruments & additional percussion
B.R.A.D. (ASVA, Master Musicians of Bukkake)- additional vocals
Randall Dunn - sound effects and synth design
Hosted by uCoz