- Acid Mothers Temple SWR & Umezu Kazutoki - Sax & The City
- Acid Mothers Temple and The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. - Lord of the Underground: Vishnu and the Magic Elixir
- Alternativ Quartet - Aripi
- Alternativ Quartet - Liniştea Astupă Goluri
- Breznev Fun Club - L'Onda Vertebrata: Lost + Found Vol. 1
- Freeman, Chico - Chico
- Roger, Danielle Palardy - Pinta, Niña & Maria
- Sylvian, David - Died In The Wool
- Labrosse, Diane - Musique pour Objects en Voie de Disparition
- Eyestrings - Consumption
- Fantasia - Fantasia
- Feersum Ennjin - Feersum Ennjin
- Letarte, Geneviève - Vous Seriez un Ange
- Gran Turismo Veloce - Di Carne, Di Anima
- Happy House - Happy House
- Hétu, Joane / Jean Derome - Nous Perçons Les Oreilles
- Czajkowski, John / Marco Minnemann - West ZooOpolis
- Oswald, John - Discosphere
- Pickett, Lenny - Lenny Pickett with the Borneo Horns
- Freedman, Lori / James Darling / Diane Labrosse / Gabriel Dionne - Dix Situations Précaires
- Low Flying Aircraft - Low Flying Aircraft
- Øresund Space Collective - Dead Man in Space
- Lauzier, Philippe / Pierre-Yves Martel / Kim Myhr / Martin Tétreault - Disparition de l'Usine Éphémère
- Pymlico - Inspirations
- Anderson, Ray - Every One of Us
- Lussier, René / Pierre Tanguay - La Vie Qui Bat: Chevreuil
- Bringolf, Serge - Strave
- Book of Knots, The - Garden of Fainting Stars
- Book of Knots, The - The Book of Knots
- Book of Knots, The - Traineater
- Ululating Mummies, The - Sacred Snack
- Driver, Toby - In the L..L..Library Loft
- Transperception - Colour Green
- Tremulators - Tremulators
- Urban Trapeze - Reactivated Tarkus
- Urban Trapeze - Single & Live
- Vialka - La Poursuite de l'Excellence
- Vialka - The Republic Of The Bored & Boring
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